Your Favorite Marketing Partner!
We hope you will enjoy our new sponsorship, vendor and print media marketing offerings for 2020. We are pleased to introduce additional and unique marketing assets to meet your targeted promotional goals. And, we are excited to launch year-round venue sponsorships that encompass HIPICO’s multidisciplinary Learning and Practice Series clinics, community shows and non-equestrian sporting events, as well as distinctive branding opportunities, such as naming rights of facility structures. Whether it is sponsorship, vending or print marketing, we believe you will find that HIPICO’s multi-level promotion will enhance and further your marketing objectives.
If you would like to discuss a tailored marketing strategy at HIPICO Santa Fe, please contact Sarah Moses, our Sponsorship Manager, directly by email,, or by calling 505-474-0999.
HIPICO Santa Fe is delighted to invite you to join us for our 2020 Santa Fe Summer Series. We will work to get to know you and provide a superior, friendly and professional sponsorship experience.
The Santa Fe Summer Series offers vending opportunities adjacent to the horse show arenas to vendors who are utilizing trailers. Horse show competitors and spectators alike greatly look forward to shopping during the horse show. Please email any questions/ comments to

Interested in advertising in the 2020 Santa Fe Summer Series Premium? Contact Stay connected! Sign up for our mailing list.
Premium (also known as a Prize List)
The Santa Fe Summer Series Premium lists all the classes and technical information about the horse show. It is geared toward competators, trainers and horse farms. The Premium contains all essential information about the horse show, including schedules, forms and lodging information.
Electronic Newsletter
HIPICO Santa Fe publishes an electronic newsletter that features many of our sponsors. We have limited banner ads available for non-sponsors. The electronic newsletter mails to approximately 5,300 email addresses of high-end equestrian enthusiasts with a high rates of engagement. Click here to be added to our newsletter.
Thank you to our HIPICO Santa Fe Sponsors and Advertisers!
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